Thursday, June 18, 2009

Twilight #6 Aircenter

2 days till the Tour De Nez and the goal is to sit in and just ride it out for participation points(9+ ges same points) in the series. Well, less than a full lap into it I put in a little dig for a first lap prime and found myself off the front with a Natural Grocers elite rider also in town for TDN. We kept working together and stayed away for the whole race. Always nice to have a class rider with you that just looks over and say "prime split" and instantly you are on the same page, stay away and win. I took a final dig on the last lap and rolled in solo while Bubba took the field sprint for 3rd. I have the series locked up now with a couple rounds still to go. Good moderate effort and I'll find out tonight if it was a little to much effort.

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