Friday, March 14, 2008

Throw me a frickin bone here

Well the lungs are about back to normal and the knee is around 75% so its time to go racing again!! Oh wait, whats that you say mister weatherman? Rain, wind and cold weather this weekend in Sac town, Surprise, Surprise. Oh well. I really wouldn't expect anything less at this point. I think the Govenator lied about it being sunny California. On the bill for the soggy rain soaked weekend is Land Park crit on Saturday and Zamora road race on Sunday. Definite plus is this is the closest set of races this season.

Land park is so safe that people get bored and start crashing just to spice things up. Zamora is a wide open course that is basically rolling with a 1k hill around 6%. The course is about 10 miles and we only have to do 5 laps for the 3's so even if it is wet and windy it shouldn't be more than 2.5-3 hours in the muck.

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