Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Berkeley TTT broken wheel goodness

A day I'd like to forget. We had a VERY EARLY start time of 8:02:30 which meant the sun still hadn't burnt off the fog and I couldn't see for the first 20 minutes since my glasses had dew on them. I wanted to go out hart but not pop cause I knew our 30 second guys were going to be the team to beat in the P/1/2. About 11 minutes in I hit a pot hole at thought I blew the rear tire. I yelled at my partner that I flatted and were done. I rolled along and the tire seemed to still be holding air so I bounced it off the ground a couple times and it was. I then figured the disc was destroyed cause it was bouncing something fierce but still rolling. I fiddled with the brake release and opened it up(still rolling along) and we kept going. Thanks Russ for dragging me around. We went on and finished with a time of 40:57 but I know we dropped at about a minute futzing with my wheel and having to be very gently with it when going up the hills. The position felt pretty good so hopefully I can do ok at madera.

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